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Care EQM
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About Us 

Care Equilibrium Marketplace: a holistic approach to digital health and wellness

       Need someone to talk to? Interested in a coach that will help you in your personal growth, i.e. conflict resolution, stress management, or career pathways? Do you have a student in need of college prep assistance? Tired of limited options and expensive therapy? Care EQM's platform assists you with all of this and so much more, and it is all virtual. 

Did you know that?

     - The average counselor to student ratio is 1 to 464 across the country. School counselors say they can only spend 20 percent of their time on college counseling. This is a major issue, considering the importance of having college as an option. On average college graduates make $1 million more than those with just high school degrees! Our certified high school-to-college guidance and career coaches provide expert consultation in the college application process, ideal for high school juniors and seniors.

     - The U.S. has a relatively low supply of mental health workers, especially psychologists and psychiatrists. Looking at U.S. primary care practices, only one-third of them have mental health professionals on their team; this compares to 90 percent in Sweden and the Netherlands. Alarmingly, the U.S. has the highest rate of suicide and the second-highest drug related death rate. We list online vetted therapists and qualified mental health consultants that provide affordable virtual teletherapy and mental health coaching, targeting the most vulnerable groups including ethnic minorities and the LGBT community. 

     - Behaviorally, psychosocially, and physiologically, relationship stress and conflict can deteriorate our health. For example, a major risk factor for depression is unsupportive or unhappy relationships. Our team of online counseling professionals provide coaching to clients experiencing extreme stress from conflicts at work, at home, and business partnership conflicts. 


      With easy and convenient access to a real expert team of career counselors and life coaches, our database of professionals is available to you so that you find one that meets your budget.  We offer a balanced approach to self care and managed care, what we call “equilibrium care.


 All of our services take place through a chat, audio call, or video meetings, ideal for flexibility, ease, and safety

    Our services include:
    • Virtual coaching with coaches experienced in self-improvement, career pathways and more
    • Self-assessment tools to uncover your personality, goals, and strengths, including renowned Inner Heroes assessment
    • High school-to-college career guidance and college application assistance
    • Self care and mindfulness products to use in your everyday life

    • Convenient and flexible service, anytime and anyplace
    • On-demand options
    • No transportation time or costs associated with accessing services
    • No need to take time off from work or school
    • Better overall health and wellness
    • Less time in the waiting room and around others
    • Less chance of catching or spreading a new illness
    • Utilize helpful mindfulness and meditation tips to decrease anxiety, depression and manage stress
    • Take your health into your own hands
    • Develop your own self care as a lifestyle!

    Coming Soon!
    • Telehealth and telemedicine to address chronic health conditions 
    • Veterinary care through a chat or video call with a licensed veterinary professional
    • Teletherapy with experts in mental health
    • School-based telehealth for easy access to students
    • Mental health awareness programs

      Our goal is to make healthcare, therapy, coaching, and other expert advice more accessible and affordable. We provide care options for many areas of your life so that you may be empowered to be pro-active about your health, wellness, and personal development.


     Our mission is to be your partner in your wellness goals and lifestyle!

